Me and my babies

Me and my babies
Mothers Day 2013

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Busy Bee's

To say it's been "awhile" since my last entry I guess would be an understatement.  Life happens. Kids happen.  Put together makes for very little time to blog.  However, here I am, at 4:30 in the afternoon sipping some caramel mocha coffee and avoiding the laundry that keeps beckoning me to fold it.  Instead, I figured I'd update everyone on, well, our marvelously mundane life.  :)
Since my last entry, Derick found out his discharge date from the good ol USMC.  That made for a few mixed emotions on my end.  Elated joy on Derick's. :)  I think I'm more attached to this lifestyle than he is.  Regardless, we will be regular old "joe schmoes" come Nov 29th.  He goes on terminal tomorrow and is pretty happy about it.
Everything is progressing smoothly with our plans to move out into town (Stafford for all my local friends!)   It hasn't gotten "crazy" yet but I think this is the calm before the storm.  I'm just bracing myself for bouts of insanity come about 2 weeks from now.  Which I'm sure will make Derick feel like he's living with an OCD, menopausal, psycho path until I'm certain that TMO hasn't lost any of our possessions.  Sounds like fun, right?
On a side note, our baby girl has started walking.  Yes, I cried. And yes, I danced around like an idiot when she took her first steps, ultimately scaring her to death and pausing any more walking attempts for a good 3 hours.  But,  she is now a full blown walking machine and is loving all the new mischief she can find.

Carter lost his first tooth about a week ago.  Again, I cried ( it's been an emotional month...)  He yanked "the sucker" (his words) out with his own two little hands and is now checking approximately every 2 hours to see if his big tooth has made its appearance.

Jax is, well, Jax.  I say that because to list all the things that boy does would take me a few zillion pages.  He makes me laugh harder ( and yell louder) than probably any person on this planet.  But I sure do love him.  He did have an ENT appointment a few weeks ago and his tubes were still in place and looking great.  His speech is improving daily and the difference in his vocabulary from pre tubes to now is remarkable.  No speech therapy for our little "mayhem".  :)

As for me, I got an iPhone.  For those of you who are close to me, you'll see what a milestone this is.  I caved, tossed my ancient cell phone to the wind ( okay, actually Carter broke it, but that's not the point) and went down to good ol' Best Buy and said hello to modern technology.  I'm now one of those people who checks my phone every 2 seconds and pretty much has it glued to my hand.  I love it.
I think that about sums it up for our crazy little family.  To any of you who kept up with our blog ( if there even was any... ;) I apologize for the lag in posting.  I'll try to ignore my children more frequently so I can write more often.  Just kidding. Sort of.  :)

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