Me and my babies

Me and my babies
Mothers Day 2013

Thursday, March 27, 2014

We're Back!

Why hello Blog.  It's nice to see you again.  I recently took a hiatus from this blog spot for many reasons but the most important one being I lost my username and password ( and by lost I mean I forgot) and I was too lazy to go through the digital cavity search that Google basically requires to retrieve that information.  However, this morning I said " Why not? " and spent upwards of 30 minutes practically filling out my entire life story so I could grace you all with my posts again.  I know you're forever grateful.
I also just realized it was EXACTLY a year ago today since I made my last post.  Apparently March 27th strikes me as a writing day.  Coincidence? I think not!
So much has changed since a year ago in our nutty little lives.   We bought a house ( we officially have to call ourselves grown up's now).

We became the parents of a kindergartener.   
And in case you were wondering, the metamorphosis of " becoming a kindergarten parent" entails sobbing hysterically for the last 3 months leading up to D-day and telling your husband 2 days before he starts school that you've decided homeschooling would probably be the best route for education. Or at least it did in my particular case.
But I survived.  He survived.  Derick survived ( although I'm sure he questioned his sanity after having to calm me down and remind me that " bullying " didn't apply to the little girl telling Carter he scribbled when coloring)... I mean, the horror!!

Our middle and hilariously oblivious son Jax has had to adjust to not having older bro around the entertain him.  He also discovered his passion for Wii video games and I've recently contemplated an intervention.  The kid eats, breathes, and sleeps Mario Brothers.  But I suppose his brain isn't completely going to mush since we've made major strides in learning to spell his name and recognize letters and numbers.  Previous lessons had included me asking " Jax, what letter is this?" And him replying confidently " 7!!"
Yep, we've made leaps and bounds in progress.
But he's hysterical and witty and you have to admit that any kid who falls over the same object 3 times and never moves said object is pretty darn love able.  :) 

Then there is our sassy pants Audrey.  She has really grown in the last year - maybe the most drastically out of the 3.  However,  I'm going to steal a friends mentality though and upgrade her from a newborn to an infant.  No one ever said denial wasn't a happy place.  This girl is a walking firecracker bedazzled in sparkles and everything pink.  I never knew I could KNOW so much about Disney princesses without being admitted into a mental hospital.  She gives her older brothers a run for their money and I must admit I love that about her ( except when she's giving me a run for my money... Then it's not quite as entertaining) 
She's 2.5 going on 25 and certainly acts like it some days.  

Then there is my right hand man.  My main squeeze.  My honey bunch.  Ok, I'll stop.  He's done a lot in this last year. The biggest recently was securing a trainee position for a lineman apprenticeship program.  AND getting to do it in our town.  Which was a big dang deal considering he'd been commuting everyday and he hated that drive.  He recently started at his new office here in town this week and so far all is good ( even though I worried and acted like a total Mama Bear who was sending my kid off school).  He had to remind he was a 30 year old man capable of making new friends.  To keep it extremely short, this whole situation with his job has been one answered prayer after another and aside from Dericks hard work,  God has yet again taken care of our family in ways we really thought were impossible.  
So I guess this post was more of a " I'm going to talk about our family and all the normal, mundane things we've done in a year and you all be really excited about it" post.  Which I'm sure is exactly what everyone is doing.  I'll look for it to be a viral sensation soon and shared on a The Today Show like tomorrow.  
In the meantime, have a great week my friends.  

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