Me and my babies

Me and my babies
Mothers Day 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The " No - No" Post.

You'd pretty much have to live under a rock right now to not be aware of what is happening.  If you have Facebook, Twitter, a television or radio, you're aware of the hot topic "marriage equality" debate.  It's hoarding my news feed on Facebook to the point where I counted every other post had something to do with it.  For the most part, I have stayed out of it.  It's a heated issue.  It can get ugly.  People get hot headed and irate and friendships can be ruined.
Late last night, I was surfing Facebook (does anyone even say "surfing" anymore?) and I ran across a post where someone wrote that if you're against marriage equality, you're prejudiced.  That just didn't sit well with me.  I mean, I don't know this person.  They didn't know me from Adam.  I hadn't called them prejudiced against Christians for being an advocate on this issue.  It just didn't seem fair.  The more I thought about it, the more I decided to ask them why they thought this.  I wrote that because I chose to follow the Bible on what God says regarding homosexuality, in my mind, does not make me prejudiced.  Since when did standing up for a certain belief or idea make that person an out dated, back woods, hillbilly who is against any progression in the United States??
They then responded with the classic " Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".  Okay, if I'm being completely and TRUTHFULLY honest here, I don't feel that scripture applies to me disagreeing with homosexuality.  It's being taken and shaped into what we as people want it to be.  Which is that we're not allowed to judge so in doing that we're not allowed to open our mouths and stand up for what we KNOW as Christians is morally wrong.  We're being complacent. We don't want to "offend" anyone.  Frankly, I'm tired of having to tip toe around worrying if I'll offend someone because I'm stating what the Bible says.  The Bible tells us to  “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."  I don't believe that it means we get to pick and choose what we witness about and what we don't.  We're supposed to follow all of God's word, not just the parts that are easy.  With that all being said, I'm not condoning hate.  I'm not condoning cruelty.  I have friends whom are gay.  I would never want to see them hurt, beaten, abused, or tortured because they are gay.  However, they know my opinion on the issue.  They know I do not agree with their lifestyle.  And all I can do as a Christian is pray for their hearts.  Pray for their salvation.  I do not have to beat a Bible over their head and condemn them to the pits of Hell because as we all know, that's not effective.  I simply think that we, as Christians, are starting to conform to what society wants us to believe by making us feel we're "out dated" if we don't.  And I'm afraid that the minute we start losing touch with what the Bible says, twisting it and conforming it into what we WANT it to say, is when we're all in trouble.
And with that, I'll happily step down off my soap box.